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RimWorld: Create timelapse from Progress Renderer on Linux

0 min read (58 words)


Progress Renderer ([Steam]( | [GitHub]( is a brilliant mod that takes a screenshot once a day, and dumps it into a folder. The following bash script can be used to generate an mp4 timelapse of the screenshots. Simply specify a region to cut out of the screenshots, and some other parameters, and run the script in the working directory.

Progress Renderer (Steam | GitHub) is a brilliant mod that takes a screenshot once a day, and dumps it into a folder.

The following bash script can be used to generate an mp4 timelapse of the screenshots. Simply specify a region to cut out of the screenshots, and some other parameters, and run the script in the working directory.



# Video resolution (must be even)

# Video FPS

# Region to export

# Output file

# TMP Location


echo "================= CONFIG ====================="
echo "Region: $CROP"
echo "Output: $OUT"
echo "Resolu: $SIZE @ $FPS fps"
echo "Tmp:    $TMP/"
echo "============================================="
echo ""

mkdir -p $TMP

for filename in *.jpg; do
    if [ ! -f "$TMP/$filename" ]; then
        echo "Cropping $filename"
        convert $filename -crop $CROP -resize $SIZE "$TMP/$filename" || exit $?
done || exit $?

echo "Rendering mp4"

cd $TMP
ffmpeg -framerate $FPS -pattern_type glob -i '*.jpg' "$OUT"
rubenwardy's profile picture, the letter R

Hi, I'm Andrew Ward. I'm a software developer, an open source contributor, and a graduate from the University of Bristol. I’m a core developer for Minetest, an open source voxel game engine.


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