Lua Improvements

Custom extensions and improvements to Lua’s standard library.


  • math.hypot
  • math.sign(number, tolerance)
    • 1 if > tolerance
    • -1 if < -tolerance
    • 0 otherwise
  • math.round


  • class(constructor)
    • Create a class with an optional constructor.
    • constructor(self, ...) where ... is the arguments given to Class:new()
    • Example:

      MyClass = class(function(self, a, b)
              self.a = a
              self.b = b
      local obj = MyClass:new(1, 2)
  • isDerivedFrom(a, b) - returns true if b is somewhere in a metatable chain. For example, isDerivedFrom(ChatCommand:new(), ChatCommand) == true.
  • basic_dump(o) - returns a string representing o. Tables are not recursed into.
  • dump(o) - can return a debug string of any object, except userdata or functions. Singleline
  • dump_multiline(o) - similar to above, but each value in a table is on a new line.


  • string[i] - access individual character.
  • string:trim() - removes whitespace from beginning and end of string.
  • string:split(separator, include_empty, max_splits, sep_is_pattern)
    • splits string on ‘separator’, returns table.
    • Separator defaults to , if nil.
    • include_empty - true to allow empty strings in returned table.
    • max_splits - max number of elements to be returned before stopping.
    • sep_is_pattern - true if separator is a Lua pattern
  • string:color(color) - returns a colored string, where color is a valid Color
  • string:is_yes() - converts string to boolean.


  • table.copy(t) - deep copy table.
  • table.filter(t, func) - For numeric tables. Filter table by func.
    • func - Takes value, returns boolean.
  • table.index_of(t, val) - find index of val in t.
  •, func) - Map table using map function.
    • func - Takes value, returns new value.
  • table.keys(t) - returns numeric table of keys in t.
  • table.values(t) - returns numeric table of values in t.
  • table.enum(t) - sets enum metatable on t, which raises an error on invalid access.