
An EntityController is something that drives an Entity’s behaviour. An Entity has at most two controllers - a primary controller, and an action controller. The action controller is a temporary controller used to perform an active task such as move to a certain location.

  • EntityController:new()
  • entity - the EntityRef. Set by the engine.
  • get_action(self) - gets the current action controller, or nil
  • set_action(self, action_ctr) - set the current action. See rvwp.entity.actions.

Override recommended:

  • on_create(self) - entity has been created and emerged
  • step(self, dtime) - dtime in seconds


local Thing = EntityController:new()

function Thing:on_create()
    self.entity:set_properties({ material = "sword.png" })

function Thing:step(dtime)
    local pos = Vector:new(self.entity:get_pos())
    local delta = pos:copy():normalize():multiply(1 * dtime)

rvwp.register_entity("thing", Thing)

with sub-controllers:

local Follower = EntityController:new()
Follower.texture = "sword.png"

function Follower:on_create() 
    self.entity:set_properties({ material = "sword.png" })
    self.actions:go_to(Vector:new(3, 4, 5))

rvwp.register_entity("follower", Follower)