
A plot an area which NPCs can be assigned to and do work within. For example, players will buy plots and setup buildings to perform tasks such as research or production. Plots are user visible, and so must have a human-friendly name.

Obtained by rvwp.create_plot(def), rvwp.get_plot(id), or rvwp.get_plot_at_pos(pos)

  • get_id() - returns plot ID, will be globally unique
  • get_name() - returns human-friendly name.
  • get_bounds() - returns bounding rect.
  • contains(pos) - whether pos is inside the plot.
  • get_boxes() - returns an array of rect tables representing the bounds of the plot.
  • add_box(rect) - extends the plot by box.
  • add_boxes(array of rects)
  • set_boxes(array of rects)
  • get_work() - Returns an array of work tables.
  • remove_work(work_or_id) - remove work by id or work table.


local plot = rvwp.create_plot({
    name = "My Base",
    from = { x = 0, y = 0, z = 0 },
    size = { x = 1, y = 1, z = 1 },

Work table:

    id = 12,
    type = "build",
    bounds = {
        from = { x = 0, y = 0, z = 0 },
        size = { x = 1, y = 1, z = 1 },
    item_name = "wall",
    material = {
        texture = "abc.png",